Gensolve Practice Manager and NZ Ministry of Health – Client Search by NHI Number now available.

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Gensolve now provides the ability to search for your clients details by searching their NHI Number in the Ministry of Health (MOH) database.

NHI Look Up will be available to all Gensolve users, although there a few steps you will need to take with the MOH to activate the functionality.

How to Get Approval from the Ministry of Health

The Lookup feature in [APP] allows you to retrieve detailed client information directly from MOH using the MOH Search. This feature helps streamline the process to search all relevant details easily accessible.

To have this service available, please follow these steps:

1. Contact NHI to get the credentials by sending an email to , requesting the PROD credentials and attaching the file Production Credentials Request Form Identity and Enrolment Services. Fill out the form as follows:

A close-up of a form

Description automatically generated

In Section A, please fill in the details with your Organisation Details.

In Section B, please fill in the key contact details with the organisation contact details or fill it with the credentials IT support/vendor to receive the credentials on your organisation’s behalf.

In Section C, enter contact details for communications.

Section D is already filled with Gensolve Practice Manager.

In Section E, specify the functions being requested.

In Section F, enter the person who is responsible for IT Security in your organisation.

Read Sections G and H and acknowledge user responsibilities by signing, including the name, designation, and date.

2. Once you have received the credentials open [APP] >> Go to Administration >> Vendors >> Edit the Vendor >> Click on the Third Party Integration tab.

3. Enter the MOH Client Id, MOH Secret, and MOH API Key >> Click on Test Connection.

Note: You will be able to search clients using the lookup for Clients, and also for ICP such as search by Claim No or ACC45.

Please reach out to us at with any further questions about Gensolve and NHI search.

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