New to Gensolve for New Zealand in version 7.14: The ACC Integrated Care Pathways (ICP) functionality is implemented into the contracts space including look up, triage, acceptance and decline functionality. We’ve also included a sneak peek for our look up features for the National Health Index (NHI) and more.
You can check out the full release notes here.
The release will occur for New Zealand on the evening of Friday, the 1st of March 2024. Please note your Gensolve may have disruptions from 9:30pm while we apply necessary updates.
ACC Integrated Care Pathways features are here.
Gensolve has been working closely with ACC and our customers from the beginning of the Integrated Care Pathways project to capture the objectives of the program and build the best possible data structure and interface for our customers and ACC alike.
We’re delighted to present the ACC ICP interface in release 7.14 for New Zealand ahead of the March deadline, with a huge amount of work from our developers and excellent communication and documentation from ACC providing a great result.
We are excited to get your feedback on what’s been built and where to take it in the future as we continue to support this ongoing project from a Gensolve and ACC point of view. For more context on the project itself, refer to ACC. For more details on the work we’ve completed to date please check out our release notes or email
ICP implemented into Gensolve Contracts.
The Gensolve Contract Type Details tab has a new check box to indicate ACC ICP Contracts. Specifically, the ICPMSK (musculoskeletal) service type has been implemented in line with the ACC pilot contract. We’ll keep this Service Type drop down up to date as ACC introduces new services into the ICP project.

ICP Claim Look Up, now available.
You can use the ICP Claim Look Up in Gensolve to search for a number of details related to your clients stored with ACC including but not limited to ACC45 number, their date of injury, diagnoses codes related to the ICC contracts and more details relevant to the Contract Acceptance.

ICP triage assessment and ICP outcome measures also available on ICP contracts.
We’ve included triage assessments for ICP contracts (based on the Complexity Tool) which enables you to send completed triage assessments to ACC directly from your client’s ICP contract. Furthermore your ICP contract Acceptance and Decline can also be posted directly through to ACC from your client’s contract too.
Also included is the option to send ACC ICP outcome measures from an ICP contract, including PROM and clinical measurements.

Merge fields for ACC ICP introduced to Gensolve.
Your letter templates, custom forms and template merge areas now have access to a number of ACC ICP merged fields including but not limited to ICPComplexityCompleted, ICPAssessmentDate, ICPStatus and more. Check out the full release notes for a longer list.
National Health Index (NHI) Look Up coming soon.
As we enter the final stages of Live Compliance, NHI Look Up is nearly here.
In the near future you can reach out to our support team at to enable the NHI look up functionality in your Gensolve and open your clients Match forms for those with NHI numbers allocated.
If an NHI number has already been entered against the client, then our Look Up will try to find a match and open the Match form if found.
If no NHI number has been entered, the NHI Matches form will open and present any matches that exist based on the Client’s current details.

Pressing the first button on a row will save the selected NHI Number back to the Client. Pressing the second button will open the match form allowing you to copy information to the client.

More features and fixes.
Although this article lists some of the key new features, there are still many more important improvements and updates you may be interested in.
Here are the full release notes again for more information on Gensolve 7.14.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at, or submit a ticket.